Thursday, January 30, 2020

Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Teen Pregnancy Essay Today in this society so many teenagers are having sex and not realizing the outcome of what is going too happened after they have done it? Not all parents are in their kids business enough when they should be. Wondering where your kids are at all times when they are in their early teenage years are one of the good ways you can keep track of what they do on daily basics. Most of the time kids don’t do the right thing and they are most likely to not return from school on time either and that’s why parents need to understand their kids and for the kids to try to understand the parents and know that their parents are not putting them down they just care. see more:short informative speech examples Teenage pregnancy is increasing rapidly in our country. In fact, Manila has the highest teen birth rate in the Philippines. There are factors that contribute to this increasing problem. Teen pregnancy comes with effects that can cause serious problems. Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem that can be prevented by using contraceptives. Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem. It can cause many emotional effects. Being pregnant can cause a teenage mother to wonder how and why she got pregnant in the first place. A teenage mom is also affected emotionally by realizing that she has to carry the child for nine months, and the father does not. He gets to go out and do whatever he wants to do. Finances are more problems for the teenage parents to have to face. They have to have a job to support the child. Most teen families end up on welfare. According to Kristie A. Klusaw, states that â€Å"Pre Marital Sex is a huge problem in the society today.† Klusaw also states that â€Å"teenagers are not waiting to get married to have sex.† And by doing that, this is clearly a cause of teen pregnancy. Meenakshi Madhur also added that â€Å"Sex is a very strong biological need. However sex after marriage has a purpose of not only evolution but also amedium of expressing love between couples.† Inside the â€Å"The Unplanned Pregnancy Book† written by Dorrie Williams-Wheeler it says in there that â€Å"There are reasons of teen pregnancy, the first one is Psychological Factors, the immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex teenage psychology is another important cause of teenage pregnancies. â€Å"Teenagers often go through a number of emotions because of their own transition from childhood and peer pressure.† Williams-Wheeler added. In addition to that, Williams-Wheeler also said that that thee second cause of teen pregnancy is â€Å"Lack of Discipline and Control, factors like alcohol and substance abuse accompanied by unrestricted interaction with the opposite sex can ignite the sparks of lust and passion in youngsters very easily ultimately leading to teenage pregnancy.†

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Overconfidence and Arrogance in To Build a Fire by Jack London Essay

Overconfidence and Arrogance in To Build a Fire by Jack London Overconfidence and arrogance led to the death of the man in Jack London's "To Build a Fire." This overconfidence in his own abilities led to him making poor decisions and scorning the advice of those who know what they are talking about. Instead, he laughs at the old man after he tells him "a man should travel with a partner" (1769) and goes out into the frigid weather anyway. He knew that it was 75 degrees below zero and that his body was numb but he didn't care because he thought he could handle it. Even when he was about to die he thought, "freezing to death is not as bad as people thought it was"(1772) and "when he got back to the states he could tell the folks what real cold was."(1772) Obviously the man did not take the situation seriously. Instead of dying with dignity he thought about himself "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." (1772) He time and again snubs the warnings that he is receiving from nature. He encountered many warnings that it was too cold to be outside. First...

Monday, January 13, 2020

True Purpose of Art in Podg

The True Purpose of Art Oscar Wilde was a very shrewd intellectual who through the teachings of Walter Pater and John Ruskin became a strong supporter of the aesthetics movement. This movement was one which wanted to shy society away from the fact that art had a purpose. They wanted simply to have art for art’s sake. In essence what this means is that art’s only true purpose is beauty and there are no underlying symbols, meanings, or derivations of art it is simply art.Oscar Wilde attempts to promote his beliefs about aestheticism in the book â€Å"Picture of Dorian Gray† through his use the character Basil Hallward, the picture of Dorian Gray, and the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde uses Basil Hallward , specifically his perception of a perfect artist to support his argument that the purpose of art is to be beautiful. From the beginning of the book we can see that Basil has a strong tie to his artwork.In the first chapter when he goe s to visit Lord Henry and shows him the portrait of Dorian he tells Lord Henry that he will not exhibit his work because there is too much of the artist in the painting. This scenario leads Dorian to explain to Lord Henry what the an artist’s role truly is â€Å"An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them. We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography. We have lost the abstract sense of beauty. Someday I will show the world what it is; and for that reason the world shall never see my portrait of Dorian Gray. (30) What basil is saying in this quote is that society has lost the true essence of art and that the true purpose of an artist is to create something of beauty. That is why he will not show his portrait of Dorian to the world because he feels as if the portrait is not just beautiful it has a deeper meaning which relays not only beauty but some deeper emotion. Also the simple sentence structure in this quote also helps relay the fact that an artist’s job is to do the most basic job create something beautiful without it being complex. Wilde also explicitly uses the preface to help support promote the idea that art’s true goal is beauty.He does so by using a very bold quote â€Å"All art is quite useless†. What Oscar Wilde meant by this quote was that art is useless because it attempts to portray an emotion. It does not instruct or command but instead it just sits there waiting to illicit a temporary response from the viewer. In doing so art becomes a sort of temporary tattoo. In that it is short lived and even though it may be beautiful it will eventually be lost in the haze. Now by using the picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde attempts to show us what happens when art is given a purpose.In Chapter 7 Dorian first comes to realize that the portrait is aging while he does not and his response is â€Å"He had uttered a mad wish that he himself might remain young and the portrait grow old; that his own beauty might be untarnished, and the face on the canvas bear the burden of his passions and his sins; that the painted image might be seared with the lines of suffering and thought, and that he might keep all the delicate bloom and loveliness of his then just conscious boyhood. Surely his wish had not been fulfilled? Such things were impossible. It seemed monstrous even to think of them.And yet there was the picture before him, with the touch of cruelty in the mouth†(144). This quote proves that in fact the painting did have a purpose. That purpose being to show the dark change in Dorian as he ages. But why would Wilde go against his own beliefs? He did so to prove a point and that point being that only wrong can come from giving art purpose. The portrait ends up causing the death of Dorian and Basil , the original artist. As Dorian commits more and more sins the picture becomes more and more grotesque until finally it is so hideous that even Dorian cannot stand the sight of the picture.In the beginning of the book however Dorian adored the portrait. This goes to show that when art is given a purpose the art becomes ugly. This is Oscar Wilde’s view means that it is no longer art because the primary function of art is to be beautiful. So if an art is considered ugly than It is no longer art. So therefore whenever art is given a purpose that piece of art is then no longer considered art. Another way Wilde attempts to establish his views on the role of art and the artist is through the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian Gray.In their relationship Lord Henry is the sculptor and Dorian is his piece of art. After his discussion with his uncle Lord Henry makes it his goal to influence Dorian in his own manner. But similarly with Basil and his portrait this piece of art also has a purpose and the purpose was to change the identity of the art work in order to satisfy Lord Henry’s pleasure of tainting another into his thought process. As you can well imagine this led the art to turn â€Å"ugly†. Ugly in the sense that Dorian became corrupted and evil.He committed the worst of sins and in the beginning what started off as the purest form of art became the most vile piece of art. So again when the purpose shifted from being beautiful to having a different purpose the art , or Dorian, becomes ugly and it is no longer in fact art. This is just another example which supports the fact that art can only be art if its purpose it to be beautiful. A recurring theme in this novel was the purpose of art and Oscar Wilde gives his opinion on this matter through the character Basil Hallward, the picture of Dorian Gray, and the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian.Oscar Wilde understands the value of art and he believes that art is in fact only art when it has no other purpose but to be beautiful. He believes that when a piece of art is given purpose it corrupts the art and it can turn the artwork into some disfigured picture of reality. Oscar Wilde believes that today people have attempted to expand the boundaries of art and he believes that in doing so people lost the beauty in art. He says that art is only meant to inspire and if any other emotions or thoughts arise then that art is ultimately useless.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Adolescent Phase Of Children Who Were Adopted Essay

I am just one of the 135,000 people who have been adopted through an array of organizations and countries. I am a significant percentage in a melting pot of individuals who hold a title for themselves that billions of other people are incapable of having. I am a child, born and raised knowing that I held no blood relation to the family I have grown up with and continually surrounded myself with. But genetically I am the product of a failing mother and a runaway father. Does this title have any influence on my life? Do I already have a plan for my future that I am incapable of changing? With 99% of adopted individuals aware that they are adopted and with 90% of them holding a positive outlook on their circumstance why are there so many problems during the adolescent phase of children who were adopted? (Adoptions) Many studies point towards a few key roles on a child’s life that seem to hold a significant impact on their lives. These key roles are greatly influenced when growing up an adopted child. So the question that I seem to revisit in my head is that if I am a child who grew up knowing they were adopted, am I destined for success or failure? Iyanla Vanzant, a spokesperson and life coach to build family bonds believes that, â€Å"One of the most important relationships we have in our lives if one with our mother.† This relationship between two family members during adolescence is extremely important. The bond between parent and child must be met with love and supportShow MoreRelatedAdoption For Children And Families1734 Words   |  7 PagesBethany for Children and Families offers a variety of programs, but adoption is one of the most beneficial to those in the community in both Iowa and Illinois. Bethany offers infant, special needs, domestic, and international adoption services to families. 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